

Welcome Clojure enthusiasts!

We are a community of Clojure developers in the Aarhus area hosting in-person events focused on the Clojure programming language and ecosystem around it.

Everyone is welcome! Whether you are an experienced clojurian or just dabbling, join us in expanding the community in Aarhus.

Event format

Meetups can take many forms, and each event is going to be slightly different. As an example here is an (incomplete) list of formats:

  • Presentations on Clojure libraries, experience reports, tooling
  • Lightning talks
  • Hands-on

If you have something you would like to see in the program for a meetup, don't hesitate to reach out on the #clojure-aarhus channel on the Clojurians Slack.

We try to only have a fixed schedule for about half the time such that there is time for talking, hacking and helping new clojurians as well.


Past events
No events!